From the Basics..

It must be realised that early around the 16th century when missionaries from Europe first set foot in India people just thought they were benign foreigners from across the world just like the people from many religions that Bharatha Kaandam or the land of Bharatha had assimilated as their own. The first missionaries even wore kavi or saffron colored clothes to show that they were men of god and gain acceptance in society. This is a fact as per the first portuguese travellers who came to India and landed in Goa. Now, we think the color saffron is an afront to our existence. Anyways, when the portuguese who were the first european - english missionaries who were to land in India tried to talk about Christ, no one paid attention to them. They then realised that they have to set camp in India and raise their own people who believe in Christ as the Almighty. But the problem was that in those days, travel through the oceans were difficult, there was the problem of diseases like scurvy which killed more than 60 percent of the travellers. So if a party started from portugal with 200 men, only about 60 returned. Therefore, they took up marital association with the local women and had children. Unfortunately, this did not work quite in the manner in which they expected it to. Because when they returned from their travels to and from portugal they realised that their children were grown up without any proper Christ related activities like Baptism, Christening, Confirmation or Communion. Thus these women and the children were called as "caste" children or "caste" women - children and women of impure blood. This is how the word caste entered our Bharatha kaanda and from there the poison spread. Before this happened, there was no Caste.. there were communities.. communities of brahmins, devars, patels, jats, etc.. who lived and coexisted peacefully without anyone raising a voice as to who was bigger or better or more pure. We all lived together happily and did what jobs were assigned to our communities. There was no hatred.


Now, we ourselves shout at the top of our lungs that Hinduism is synonymus with Caste System and we should kill it like dengue, malaria and mosquito. Unfortunately none of us realise that we had lived for eons together peacefully with the same varnasrama system and we had also co-habitated with numerous other religions. This whole separatist mindset was introduced by the English invaders. This poisonous parasite was a different breed. While the muslim invaders merely took women by force and threatened death for not converting, the new breed of invaders used their intellect to make us feel bad about ourselves, denigrate ourselves and feel that if we did not were a proper shirt and trousers we were not 'good'. No more dhoties. Till date we look upon respectfully at a man dressed in a shirt and trousers whereas a dhoti clad man gets little respect.


So how did the invaders achieve their goal of us denigrating ourselves? They setup a linguistic or language study fund to study our languages and learnt how to belittle them. They invested a total of 5 lakh rupees in the 17th century for this study. If you think this is a lie, you are in for a surprise. Just like Babar incriminated himself permanently by writing in his Babar nama that there was a Ram Temple in Ayodhya which he destroyed, you will find details of this investment in the libraries of britain and also in goa. They realised that the brahmins were central to hinduism and if they uprooted the respect that the Indian society had for brahmins, they will be able to make the people hate their own religion and fall in line with the missionaries and convert away. Thus started the story of caldwell and others.


It is now more than 75 years since the invaders left our country and we became independent but we are still spreading the lies that they taught us about ourselves. We still believe that the brahmins are the enemy. The brahmins who were the gatekeepers of vedic wisdom for centuries together and guided the Indian kings and Indian people to eons of happiness and prosperity were suddenly a pariah in their own community. Even today we teach our children what the invaders wanted us to believe about ourselves. It is sad to see what todays textbooks say about brahmins and varna asrama. It is openly para-phrased that brahmins control the hierarchy to keep shudras at the base of the ladder. There is also this story of brahmins coming from the head of our god and shudras coming from the feet. From where did we get this story?? To this question, many people quip that it is written in manu smriti texts. Is it really? Do you realise that manu smriti is written in sanskrit and none of us know sanskrit today? Please sit down and ask yourselves, can you anwer the sanskrit question "Bhavathaha naama kim?" Please. Please sit down and think if you know what I have written here.. it is one of the most basic sentences. When we do not know this how can we claim to know what is written in literary marvels like manu smriti? These thoughts and stories of brahmin superiority were spread by the invaders, The initial brahmin generation did not believe in this lie. But sometime towards the end of the british rule, when the next generation came in, they began to live the lie of Upper caste and Lower caste. They began to really believe that they were upper caste and started to treat the rest of the population accordingly. This was because no brahmin family had continued to pass on the vedic knowledge to its children and the concept of para brammam or singular unity was lost to the indian population. This was a direct result of all brahmins being forced to find sustenance for themselves and had to go to a job instead of passing on the universal knowledge to their offsprings like what had happened for centuries.


As I started to learn sankrit, I am learning a lot of things about our language and our heritage. Do you know that sanskrit is one of the simplest languages but can also be made so complex that the same sentence can mean different things? There is a sanskrit verse which talks about Lord Rama's face when his father asks him to leave the kingdom. When properly read, this verse suggests that his face was like the freshly blossomed lotus, but for the uneducated person, he will misread it as the anus of a monkey through which a wedge was driven. This is primarily because of the metrics used in reading a sentence and also the multiple meanings that a word can take when a very small change is made to how they are pronounced. You think I am lieing? Please read sanskrit for yourself and see. You can contact the nearest samskritha bharathi and ask them if you can attend their 10 day spoken sanskrit class or shibiram. Once you learn to speak basic sanskrit through this class, people in samskritha bharathi will help you learn the language from the basics.


Coming back to our hatred for brahmins and how this is spread right across our society let us see what is given in the textbooks that we ask our children to read. Please read the page in the below picture from the textbook our children read. Why are we spreading such hatred towards the brahmins who have guarded our society and vedic knowledge for so long? Do you know for a fact that brahmins ensure that the shudras are always downtrodden.. Yes there are caste related clashes right across the country but have you - you - personally seen a brahmin community involved in the caste clashes.. it will always be someone like mukkulathor or devars or someone else. Think carefully, do you know that brahmins force scheduled castes to be downtrodden or has this been drilled into your head like this is being drilled into our childrens heads now? We have to realise the deviousness of the invaders and their masterful assassination of our society and livelyhood. We have to start respecting ourselves and our culture. No. I am not saying start respecting brahmins immediately. But what I am saying is ... read sanskrit.,, read what is written in our literature, read the slokas and understand them instead of trying to decipher shakespeare  and you wiill one day call india as Bharath.


Yes. A whole generation of brahmins have been misled in this upper caste - lower caste quicksand. But does that mean we, the future generation, also continue this wasteful fight for seeming superiority over our fellow Indians? Should we not look to correct the problem and push ouselves back to the point where we were just different communities working together in tandem like a well oiled automobile? Please think about it. There is no superiority class in the bharatha kaanda.


Textbook Screenshot Goodness below -