Suggestions at National Level


Although it was initially thought that space was the final frontier, it has now emerged that online space is the next frontier for our mankind.

Currently it is my understanding that control over the online space is overlapping into and across international boundaries. Therefore it is important to recognise this and protect our population in this new frontier also. So, it is important to develop boundaries and safe-guards in this sphere also just like we have developed land, sea and air defences to protect our population within our borders.


Given the above explanation and new thought process, online resources provision should also be taken up by the central government to ensure that the countries citizens are not ceding national security to foreign powers which control most of online applications and the internet.


If it is accepted that online public use resources should also be protected, we will have to develop the mindset that we allocate fiscal budget in our government spending to create the resources necessary for this just like we allocate fiscal spending for defence in our national budget. Following this line of thinking, the government should nationalize the creation and operation of basic software and hardware which are building blocks for citizens use of the internet without intruding in the private sphere where individuals and companies can provide different solutions to customers based on a capitalist outlook.

This further boils down to the government taking up responsibility to develop


1. Microprocessor / hardware designs for basic hardware used in the country
2. Operating system – both PC and Smartphone.
3. Search Engine, Email and Map software (these three can later be privatised)


Privatization possibilities with due consideration to capitalist aspirations..


-- Our home grown software giants can be helped / advised to possibly create turn key Search Engine, Email and Map software which can then be sold to other countries as a complete solution without eventual oversight from India. This would mean our Indian companies also are able to monetize their work and we also ensure that our friendly neighbours and nations are also ensured their independence in their online spheres also. This will promote the “Vasudeiva Kudumbakam” thought process where we allow each country to flower in their own way instead of us stamping or forcing our thought process on them. If we end up developing a friendship or family feeling inspite of and through acceptance of the differences, a sort of Unity in Diversity will come up in this line of thought.


Nationalization of online space can be considered to be on similar lines to establishment of nationalised banks, energy sector and airlines all of which can be divested in a future time based on requirements of that time period.